Sunday is the designated day to celebrate mothers....and boy do we need to be to be celebrated!!! Lets take a moment from our curated social media pages for a moment and discuss just how hard being a mother is. Granted being a parent is hard, being a mother is really hard.
Does your partner know your kid(s) shoes size? When was the last dentist appointment or eye exam that they scheduled. Who calls the teacher? Bakes the gluten-free, peanut-free cupcakes for daycare? If your lucky, you are partnered ( or are doing it all without one) with someone who participates in these tasks, but most women are not. Equality has come a long way, but realistically, we have not come far enough yet. Working mothers today spend more time with their children than a 1960's stay at home mom. That's a mountain of expectation. I was tired just reading that statistic. So I hope on this Mothers Day we can all be kind to each other, in the knowledge that we are doing our best, doing more than ever before. We do it because our children are our hearts. So I hope you get all the love you deserve this Sunday, relax and enjoy! Comments are closed.
June 2023