I have been following the formula shortage story. Today I saw a news segment that inspired my desire to write this post.
The formula recall and scary shortages that are happening in the United States and to a lesser extend in Canada has brought forward lots of formula shamming and inevitably mommy wars. But....... more prominently and most importantly, it's galvanized many mothers to work together to try and ensure babies get fed! Which is of course what ultimately matters, and is beautiful to see! Mothers with a freezers full of frozen breastmilk are meeting mother's who can't find formula in retail parking lots, sharing their stock piles of breastmilk to ensure babies get fed! Breastfeeding parents are sharing locations of stores that have formula in stock. They are giving any formula they may have been given by companies or purchased that is safe. It's bringing out a level of unity that all mothers need and we are long overdue for! We need to support one another in a crisis , and let's be clear, babies left without adequate nutrition is a crisis. But maybe the greater lesson is, that we need to support each other in times of crisis and in times of calm. While of course, the some toxic threads will continue to exist, let's celebrate and focus on this moment, where Mother's are coming together to make sure our babies are fed. Our children are the world to each of us, despite feeding by breast, bottle, or both. Comments are closed.
June 2023